Con Dao Islands

Kon Dao Islands – is an amazing place where you can have a carefree time enjoying the warm, sometimes even hot, sunshine or learning the underwater kingdom.

Con Dao Islands

History of the Con Tao Islands

A group of 16 islands is located in southern Vietnam and provides tourists and local residents with more than 70 square kilometers of land. At the same time, the largest island ( Conchon ) occupies 51 square kilometers. The archipelago was opened in the 13th century, and Marco Polo gave the first full description.

The Kon Tao Islands group began to be actively used only five centuries later, when the East India Company built the first port for its ships here. True, for peaceful purposes, the archipelago was used not for long, a little later on the main island one of the worst prisons was erected. It is believed that during the existence of the casemate there, more than 20,000 prisoners died. Today, the former prison is turned into a museum that can be visited on its own or as part of an excursion.

Con Dao Islands

Description of the islands of Con Tao

Charming snow-white beaches, gracefully enclosed in a frame of mountains and forests, emerald water and numerous coral reefs allow you to enjoy a vacation, instantly forgetting about the problems of « the outside » world. An additional charm to the islands is given by the lack of tourists who prefer to visit more famous resorts.

The temperature during the year practically does not change: during the day the air warms from 26 degrees ( December-March ) to 32 degrees ( May-September ). Night temperatures are kept at 25-27 degrees. The best time to visit is the period from December to April: at this time there is no rainfall, and the temperature is at a comfortable level of 27-29 degrees. From May to November, the rainy season lasts, but this is not a reason to refuse to travel: the rains here are much less than on the mainland, and they are very short-lived in time.

What to do?

It’s best to lie on Con Tao on a warmed sand and listen to the gentle splashing of waves. For those who prefer to spend their holidays more actively, the archipelago offers diving and snorkeling, especially since Vietnam is famous for its amazing underwater world. Wildlife lovers will like the National Park, where you can admire exotic animals, and also get acquainted with giant turtles crawling ashore to lay eggs. True, for this you need to go to Kon Tao from February to June.

For lovers of history, museums of Mayak, Revolution, Prisons work. It is worth considering that the archipelago does not have a developed tourism infrastructure. On the one hand, this makes it possible to completely immerse yourself in beach-sea charm, on the other hand, in the evenings here it can be boring.

Con Dao Islands Con Dao Islands Con Dao Islands Con Dao Islands Con Dao Islands
Con Dao Islands - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 8.693056
Longitude: 106.609444


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