Edem Project

The Eden – project is a magnificent garden that is located in the UK. This excellent park is one of the most important attractions in the country. Each year, the garden is visited by about 2 million tourists. The Garden of Eden is a magnificent botanical garden where there are various exhibits of plant origin.

Edem Project

The greenhouse covers a total area of 22 thousand m2. The local temperature regime is characteristic of the tropics. The entire garden consists of four segments ( domes ), which are combined into a single area.

The idea of creating a dome garden was given by the Englishman Tim Smith. After long-term work that was carried out for 2.5 years, in 2001 the first visitors walked through the territory of the Garden of Eden.

Edem Project

The main goal of creating the Eden project is to convey to humanity the interdependence of everyday life and the plant world. For example, the bright composition is « Family in the kitchen », which demonstrates the situation when certain plants disappear from the ground. As a result of – humanity is left without food or even clothing.

Usually, the journey of the garden takes place at the very top of the hill, where a special inspection site is equipped. An amazing panorama of the plant world opens from this place.

The entrance to the garden of the Eden project adorns a sculpture of a horse, which is made of various natural materials: trunks, rudders. By the way, almost the entire territory of the park is filled with amazing sculptures with herbs and various wood. Among the plant origin of various compositions is an exposition, which is folded from various electrical appliances that have served their term, which is presented as a robot. Different stands take place in the park that play an educational role, namely, they demonstrate the indispensability of plants in people's lives.

Of course, the basis of the botanical garden are the greenhouse. The largest of them is dedicated to the tropics, where in the right conditions thousands of representatives of the flora of South America, Malaysia, Oceania, Africa grow. Near each plant there is a sign with an inscription on which you can read the name of the plant. It is also possible to find out information about the purpose of this plant, as well as the possibilities of using it in everyday life. It is known that each natural material can have some benefit: use it as a building material, a food product or a medicinal product. The greenhouse also has samples of products that are made from certain plants.

On the artificial paths of the Eden project, you can reach the artificial lake or mountain river, which flows down a special ledge.

On the paths of the Garden of Eden, you can roam endlessly, enjoying the appearance of flora samples that are collected from all over the globe, except for the desert. In addition, each plant has some benefit for society, which will also make such an excursion useful.

On the territory of the garden you can often observe various performances of stars, as well as comedy performances.

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Edem Project - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 50.361944
Longitude: -4.744722


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