Muradymovskoe gorge

Muradymov Gorge is the most picturesque corner of Bashkiria in the valley of the Bolshoi Ik river. The gorge is a natural park, and its area is 236 km2.

Muradymovskoe gorge

The relief of the park has been formed for millions of years under the influence of tectonic processes. As a result of the movements of the earth's crust, handfuls and grabs formed, and limestone breeds were easily washed with water, so at least 46 caves can be found in the Muradymovsky Gorge. The most famous and well-studied caves: Blueberry, Staromuradymovskaya, Children's, Watchdog. The longest of all caves is Novomradymovskaya. It is best to visit it in summer or winter, the rest of the time it has a lot of water. In some caves, scientists discovered the parking lots of ancient people. And the Ledova cave is interesting in that it has ice all year round, about a half meter thick.

The park has a very rich flora and fauna. Here you can find at least 500 species of plants, of which 45 are included in the Red Book of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The fauna has 40 representatives, among which lynxes stand out: brown bears, marten, affection, ermines, moose, wild boars. In the Muradymovsky Gorge there are many hares and mermaids, and proteins, chipmunks, and gophers run through forests and meadows. In the natural park during the nesting period, at least 120 species of birds can be counted, and 9 species of fish live in the rivers of the park.

Muradymovskoe gorge

The park has strict rules. In particular, you can’t chop trees, litter, hunt, make fire in the forest, use torches in caves. The park for tourists has special sites. Entrance to the park and the caves are paid.

Muradymovskoe gorge Muradymovskoe gorge Muradymovskoe gorge Muradymovskoe gorge Muradymovskoe gorge Muradymovskoe gorge
Muradymovskoe gorge - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 52.583444
Longitude: 56.8442833


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