House-Museum of Dante Alighieri

The House Museum of Dante Alighieri is one of the most famous places in Florence, today it serves as a museum. The attraction is included in the list of the most interesting places to visit among tourists. The poet left a rich legacy for posterity; his work is studied in educational institutions in different countries.

House-Museum of Dante Alighieri

History of the House-Museum of Dante Alighieri

In 1900, the city council of Florence decided to build the House Museum of Dante Alighieri on the same site where the poet is believed to have been born. Inside the building you will meet Dante the man, warrior, politician, poet and his Florence. A multi-sensory journey where you will be guided by the latest technologies such as immersive rooms, video mapping and virtual reality to meet Dante, the father of the Italian language and author of the Divine Comedy. Born in Florence in 1265, right on the spot where the Museo Casa di Dante is located. The poet, writer and politician wrote The Divine Comedy, one of the greatest masterpieces of world literature.

The museum is mainly historical and didactic in nature with the aim of introducing the figure of Dante and the medieval Florence in which he lived. Various rooms contain objects used by doctors and apothecaries, reconstructions of everyday objects and clothing from the 1300s. The tour introduces you to the historical Battle of Campaldino, in which Dante participated, and the reconstruction of the streets of medieval Florence. The presence of Dante and his comedy is everywhere in the neighborhood, even if the original house no longer exists.

House-Museum of Dante Alighieri

Description of the House-Museum of Dante Alighieri

On the floor of the square in front of the Dante Alighieri House Museum there is a portrait of a poet of mysterious origin engraved. In the nearby church of Santa Maria dei Cerchi, according to tradition, Dante met Beatrice Portinari, the woman he loved, the main character of the Divine Comedy, to whom he dedicated the collection of texts Vita Nuova.

According to folk traditions, this church is the burial place of Beatrice and is therefore still a place of pilgrimage for lovers and poetry lovers who leave romantic notes to Dante's muse. The church houses modern portraits of the two lovers, as well as a precious altar by Neri di Bicci.

It was in these places that Dante lived his passion for Beatrice, poetry and politics, and from here he was forced to leave Florence and died in exile. Those who visit these places can still immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, when the “great poet” was born, who is celebrated throughout the world as the father of the Italian language. At the Dante Alighieri House Museum you can get acquainted with the work of one of the greatest figures in the history of Italian and international literature, broaden your horizons and find inspiration.

House-Museum of Dante Alighieri House-Museum of Dante Alighieri House-Museum of Dante Alighieri House-Museum of Dante Alighieri House-Museum of Dante Alighieri House-Museum of Dante Alighieri
House-Museum of Dante Alighieri - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 43.770997
Longitude: 11.2571


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