Sandora Palace

Sandora Palace is called one of the most beautiful buildings in Hungary. Every year, the attraction is visited by hundreds of thousands of travelers from different countries. It is located in the famous Buda Fortress, which is famous for its centuries-old history. Previously, battles took place here, which is why the fortress was destroyed, but over time the building was repaired and is open to the public.

Sandora Palace

History of Sándora Palace

Completed in the early 19th century, it was named after Vincent Sandor, who was a count, philosopher and very popular figure in Hungary in the 19th century. For a long time, the Sándor Palace “passed from hand to hand”, so it was owned by Gyula Andrássy, the Prime Minister of Hungary. She carried out a significant renovation here, changing the layout of the first floor and rebuilding most of it into her office, in which she held various receptions and work meetings. The palace was also destroyed several times, as well as numerous lootings by looters during the Second World War, who stole most of the original interiors.

Features of Sandor's Palace

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Sándora Palace began to be restored, and some auxiliary premises were added here, which were intended for servants. The palace itself consists of numerous rooms, the most famous of which are the blue and red halls, which are the official meeting places of the heads of the Hungarian state. The Prime Minister of Hungary and the President of the United States, along with their wives, even held meetings here.

Sandora Palace

Today, excursions are open at the Sándora Palace, where you can walk through the various rooms of the palace, as well as see some real examples of art that have been preserved here since the time of the first owners of this palace. Thanks to the palace workers, it was possible to recreate the original interiors and the atmosphere of a real palace, where the interiors look appropriate.

If you want to visit a real Hungarian palace, which is the official residence of the highest officials of Hungary, be sure to visit Sándor Palace. It is better to set aside at least an hour, this will allow you to take your time while exploring the sights.

Sandora Palace Sandora Palace Sandora Palace Sandora Palace Sandora Palace Sandora Palace
Sandora Palace - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 47.4978
Longitude: 19.0378


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