Spotted Lake

Spotted Lake Kliuk or, as it is still known, Spotted, is located in the middle of Canada, near the small town of Osuyus. This natural attraction has long attracted many travelers, because it has not just an unusual look, but also medicinal properties.

Spotted Lake

You can hear more than one mystical version of its origin about Lake Kliuk. Residents who populate the coastal territory of the reservoir consider this area simply sacred and tell many legends about it. One of them is aware of two enemy tribes of the Indians. Their enmity stopped only when, after another protracted conflict, the wounded, exhausted soldiers of both tribes reached the pond to heal the wounds. But the sacred water of Lake Kliuk made a real miracle, it saved the suffering not only from physical pain, but also from mental pain. It is from now on that there is no better medicine for the Indians, like the dirt and water of this pond.

Scientists who closely studied Lake Kliuk found out that many minerals are concentrated in it. It is here that whole deposits of magnesium, sodium sulfates, calcium, as well as more than five minerals necessary for the human body are found. To a lesser extent, but still silver and titanium are also present.

Spotted Lake

Spots that attract the attention of tourists so much appear here in the summer, when not a small amount of lake water evaporates under the influence of high air temperatures from the lake. Round puddles, which as a result of this natural process remain, are very saturated with salts. They have the most diverse color, which depends on the mineral that prevailed here. Thus, puddles can have white, blue, green and other colors. But with the help of magnesium sulfate, paths also formed around these marvelous spots.

The healing properties of Lake Spotted in Canada are also confirmed by many doctors. It has a very good effect on a number of diseases. It was for these reasons that the owners of the lake had the idea to make this territory a resort area with all possible spa procedures. But such an idea was not supported by local Indians, who, after twenty years of fuss over various institutions, were able to prove that the lake, together with the surrounding land, belongs to their tribe.

To date, Spotted Lake Kliuk is visited by many tourists, including European ones. But before you are at its shores, you must ask permission from the head of the tribe. But most travelers admire the beautiful landscapes of the lake directly from the road, from where it is also clearly visible.

Spotted Lake Spotted Lake Spotted Lake Spotted Lake Spotted Lake Spotted Lake
Spotted Lake - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 49.0781
Longitude: -119.567


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