Bruno Torfs Garden

The most ordinary forest, in the hands of a talented person, can turn into a real masterpiece. It is such a fantastic area that is the unusual sculpture garden of Bruno Torfs, which is generously endowed with a variety of fictional heroes. This park is located right in the middle of the Australian forest, near the town of Marysville in Gallipoli Park. With great love, he was created by a brilliant young man named Bruno Torfs.

Bruno Torfs Garden

The talented sculptor Bruno Torfs grew up in southern America, but at the age of fifteen he moved to Europe with his parents, as the family was looking for better living conditions. A little later, Bruno became interested in traveling, and from each trip he took something useful for himself. From another trip around the world, Bruno brought some outlines, which he later turned into magnificent sculptures or paintings. These creations of the artist, not only enriched mentally, but also helped to live, because in this way, the young guy began to earn his first money. After a little time, the sculptor's family moved to Australia, where Bruno Torfs became famous for an extraordinary sculpture park.

For five months now, Bruno had to work on creating a sculpture park, which now bears his name. The inhabitants of Melbourne did not even suspect that the dense forest surrounding their village could be filled with life, acquiring a fabulous look. In the wonderful Bruno Torfs garden, there is a place where the gallery is located, as well as other copyrights. Among them are a variety of paintings, as well as small figurines.

Bruno Torfs Garden

Initially, in the legendary Bruno Garden, there were 15 works, which were sculptures of human growth. But he continued to work, and now there are more than a hundred diverse fantastic heroes of Bruno on the forest.

Rumors among tourists went about the Bruno Garden, and he began to enjoy great success. Thousands of travelers visit this park annually.

As a test of fate, a severe fire swept through the local territory in 2009. He destroyed many sculptor works, along with the gallery. But the guy found in himself strength and slowly, with the support of his family and close people, began work to renew and restore his creations. Bruno also received material support from strangers, which were fans of his work.

Now Bruno Garden is open to the public, and no fire will stop the talented master. And the sculptures of Bruno, all will also bring pleasure, inspiration and evoke joyful emotions in their visitors.

Bruno Torfs Garden Bruno Torfs Garden Bruno Torfs Garden Bruno Torfs Garden Bruno Torfs Garden Bruno Torfs Garden
Bruno Torfs Garden - geographical coordinates
Latitude: -37.512645
Longitude: 145.751


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