Richmond Park

Richmond Park - England's national reserve, covering an area of 10 km2 in southwestern London. It is the first largest London royal park. The park was founded by Charles I in the 17th century, and in 1872 it was opened to visitors.

Richmond Park

The park is famous for living over half a thousand deer, 30 water bodies, 60 species of nesting birds on this territory. From the hills of Richmond Park, stunning views of the center of London open.

The park is named as well as the area in southwestern London. Hundreds of years ago, Richmond had a different name - Shin, and the forests nearby were hunting estates of kings. In 1625, when the plague was brutalized, Charles I hid in the Richmond Palace, its ruins can be found near the Twickenham Bridge. In 1637, the king erected walls on the borders of the park. In the forests it was possible to hunt, for many centuries attempts were made to ban hunting, and only in 1904 they were crowned with success. During world wars, military camps were located in the park.

Richmond Park

At the moment, Richmond Park is a wonderful place with a lot of glades and oaks. The park is located near the Thames and its western part is steeply lowered to the water. Over the entire period, 15 plantations have been built, many of which are over 150 years old. Asphalt roads are laid in the park, from which many paths depart, on which you can meet herds of deer. Deer are the main feature of Richmond Park. They were transported here more than 350 years ago for hunting and they lived well. Now in the park there are over 400 spotted and more than 200 noble deer.

Kensington gardens for horse riding enthusiasts laid paths, one of them, King's Road, has remained unchanged for centuries. Walking around the park you can enjoy picturesque pestles, sit on the banks of the Thames, and listen to the trills of birds. You can also go fishing on numerous ponds or ride a rented bike.

One of the attractions of the park is King Henry VIII Hill - the highest place in the park, named after King Henry VIII of England. According to rumors, his grave is here. The hill offers magnificent views of St. Paul's Cathedral, the construction of which began back in 1710.

Richmond Park must be visited by all guests of London who want to merge with nature, enjoy views of the city and the River Thames. Those who prefer to admire flowers should pay attention to Kensington Gardens or the Grand Windsor Park, where you can find flower beds and sculptures.

Richmond Park Richmond Park Richmond Park Richmond Park Richmond Park Richmond Park
Richmond Park - geographical coordinates
Latitude: 51.45
Longitude: -0.273889


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